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The objective of this project is to create an awareness of environmental concerns and understanding of standards, laws, guidelines, and regulation associated with construction and environment. In this assignment, we are to review articles and present the critical points from the articles using a LIVING (interactive) poster.


For Project 1, we would have to form a group of 4/5 and will be assigned one main environmental theme from the list and find at least 7 articles orlatest journal  that support the theme assigned. We have to identify and explain the relevant SDG goals that are relevant to our topic of research. Then, we have to produce an attractive e-Living (interactive) poster of the article reviews communicating our understanding and knowledge.

Group Work

Group Members

Group Members

Group 5

Aiman Darwisy
Bradley Tan Ee Jin
Cyndhia Chong Xia Xin

Koh Woei Zhe
Zuha Rafat                          



This project is to create awareness of the 17SDG goals and specifically the goals that are associated with Built Environment/Architecture (BE/Arch) • To explore and understand how the BE/Arch is responding to particular Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)





With completing Sustainable Design Policies and Regulations, I was able to benefit from a variety of new things from the class such as develop awareness of local and global environmental issues and concerns while exploring the various sustainable practices and trends in built environment


The biggest hurdle in the class for me was when I was given the task to design the poster for the first project. The information was too much that I had to reduce  and choose the most accurate information.

It is quite difficult to design the poster in the way that we all wanted and making sure that it is related to our research. Luckily, my group mates were all very helpful and immediately went to do the poster together after they had finished their researches.


Under the guidance of Ar.Axxu, I had learnt a lot throughout the whole module such as knowledges on the  environmental issues and in-depth understanding of the complexities and influences that built environment causes to the natural environment. He also opens up my perspective on the acceptable environmentally conscious and comfortable building designs.


Lastly, I will carry forward the knowledge that I possessed from this module and learn from my mistakes that I have made and not defend them.





whatever good things we build end up building us...


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