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We are to select 2 to 3 modifying elements of architecture from the following list: 


  • Light & Shadow

  • Colour

  • Temperature

  • Sound

  • Air Movement

  • Smell (and taste)

  • Texture and Touch

  • Scale (and proportion)

  • Time

For Project 1A, we shall select one precedent study for each selected modifying element and proceed to analyse how the element(s) was employed in architecture in order to create spatial poetics and experiences. 

Group Work

Group Members

Group Members

Group D

Cyndhia Chong Xia Xin

Foo Swee Choo

Qiu Mei Hui                           


2 No. of A3 Panels 

Annotation Illustrating the analysis of the selected precedent


Precedent Studies

Texture & Touch

Light & Shadow


Design one design scheme of spatial translation with approximately 1,000m3 in volume and shall employ the selected modifying elements of architecture from Project 1a.


  • Light & Shadow

  • Texture and Touch


4 No. of A3 Panels 

Floor Plan(s)
Section (s)
Perspective Images (exterior and interior) 
Write-up of not more than 300 words 


Spatial Translation

Texture & Touch

Light & Shadow


After choosing our own groupmate, we then proceed to choose two modifying elements for the first project which is Experiencing Space - Spatial Translation. We then chose “Texture and Touch” and “Light and Shadow” as our modifying elements. I’ve chose to do the texture and touch analysis on how the elements were employed in architecture in order to create spatial poetics and experiences. It was really difficult to find all the relevant article as there weren’t much information about the building that I had chosen which is located in China. So I had to gather the information through the China website in order to get more information and was really impressed by how different textures were used to explore spatial poetry, poetics and also experiences.


For our second part of the assignment, we always discuss on how we can explore the modifying elements in different scales. After our discussion, my group mates decided to use Revit software rather than Sketchup to build our model, which we are unfamiliar with. I was given the task to do the Revit Modelling as I was the only one who have some basic knowledge from a different modelling software. It was really hard to get use to Revit due to it’s limitations. The outcome was actually quite terrible as we were still changing our design at the very last moment and I didn’t have much time for the completion due to the unfamiliarity with Revit software. I am quite disappointed by the result because I believe that I would have do much better if I have learnt Revit software beforehand. The overall experience was quite good as I’ve learnt how to use new software and also have a great teamwork with my group mates.



whatever good things we build end up building us...


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