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Architectural design

introduction to design

This module's objective is to present and explain design through the expression of the perception of ‘self’ and the body, construction and materiality. We undertake a series of  assignments that introduces the fundamental methods, principles and approaches in design thinking and basic spatial design.

Project 01

Models and Tattoos

Introduces basic understanding of the design principles, processes and approaches in generating ideas, developing design and translating it into form in a workshop based explorative studio.


Project 02


Working with timber and understand the nature and characteristics of timber and how it is to be used in your design.


Project 03

Interpretation and Representation

Identify a dominant theme from my understanding of design elements and principles and enhance the structure to create a poetic architectural representation and my own reinterpretation of tectonic through a series of spaces.



whatever good things we build end up building us...


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