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This module help us to explore deeply to the history of Asian Architecture in different aspects based on three different key themes which are tradition, sustainability and modernity & globalization. We are to complete our assignments based on the three main themes.


To merge architectural design and research through a specific case study.
To be able to identify the relationship between architecture and its social, cultural, and intellectual context within the Asian Region.


This assignment requires us to compile our research based on one of the traditional architecture in the form of an infographic.



Design thinking / Influence 
Building typology
Spatial layout conception


Research Poster

This assignment requires us to research and discuss significant issues to generate a critical understanding of tradition, modernity and globalization in the Asian architectural contexts. 


Generate a good research title
Produce a research poster to provide a visual representation of your findings.
Use examples of other relevant architecture design in Asia to support our discussions and arguments.
Findings of research will be presented and assessed in the video presentation

Video Presentation


With completing Theories of Asian Architecture,I was able to benefit from a variety of new things throughout the whole module.


I can understand more about the Asian Architecture such as how it is created, what it means to the people who make it, what it tells us about history, and how it responds to ideas, desires, and needs of people living at a particular time. I also learnt how to explore both the material aspects of architecture (structure, design, technology) as well as the intellectual and social conditions that bring it into being.   

I was really excited and grateful that I am able to explore deeply to the history of Asian Architecture in different aspects based on three different key themes which are tradition, sustainability and modernity & globalization. I was passionate about the good grades which makes me strive to complete the task within the given time. 


Under the guidance of Mr. Nicholas Kho, I noticed that he pays more attention to the small details which makes my work even better. He also put lots of efforts by updating us and give us some thoughtful opinion which nourishes our works.

Lastly, I will carry forward the knowledge that I possessed from this module and learn from my mistakes that I have made and not defend them.



whatever good things we build end up building us...


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